De-icing measures for private jets

De-icing measures for private jets

The importance of de-icing explained

In winter, a private jet is subjected to the elements, and therefore it will be covered in ice and snow when left outside. From the early months of the cold season, it is legally required to perform de-icing manoeuvres before take off.

To ensure the highest safety standards when you board a flight with GlobeAir, we are happy to guide you through our de-icing measures. Learn what de-icing means for you as a passenger with the information below.

How does a private jet get de-iced?

De-icing fluid, measures and precautions

Have you ever hired a private jet in winter? If you have ever flown private from November to mid-March, it may well be that you have already witnessed one or two de-icing procedures. De-icing happens at the departure airport, and it is a standard procedure to be performed prior to take off.

It is normal for passengers to be on-board and remain seated while the de-icing fluid is sprayed onto the aircraft. Do not be alarmed if you see that the fluid is green or orange; the fluid's colour is a way to retrace easily where it has been sprayed. The nature of the de-icing liquid is similar to the liquids you may spray on your car's window screen, hence it has de or anti-icing properties. When de-icing is performed while you are on board, you can rest assured that take off will be soon.

How does the GlobeAir de-icing insurance work?

Your safety is our first priority

When you purchase your private jet flight with GlobeAir you have the option to purchase your de-icing insurance in advance. Choosing to add the de-icing insurance is the most convenient way not to incur any additional fees after you land. As de-icing is necessary and bound to the weather condition, it is always advisable to add the insurance for your safety and your savings.

What are the available insurance plans offered by GlobeAir?

GlobeAir likes to make your travels as comfortable and carefree as possible by giving you the possibility to take care of the de-icing insurance before take-off:

  • Book your de-icing insurance upon signature of the flight confirmation for €990 / leg

Not selecting this option means any necessary de-icing costs incurred during the trip will be billed post-flight!

We want to remind you that costs can easily exceed € 2,500.00 per de-icing procedure. GlobeAir is not able to offer any post-flight purchase of this de-icing insurance.


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