

What is a Go-Around?

Critical Safety Procedure in Aviation

A go-around is a procedure where an aircraft aborts its landing attempt and ascends for another approach. The pilot or air traffic control can initiate this manoeuvre for various reasons, including unsafe conditions on the runway, poor weather, or traffic conflicts.

A go-around is a critical flight manoeuvre performed by an aircraft when the pilot in command, often in consultation with air traffic control (ATC), decides to abort a landing attempt and instead climb away from the ground to make another approach. This procedure is an essential safety measure within aviation, ensuring that aircraft can avoid potentially hazardous situations during the final stages of landing. The decision to go around can be prompted by a variety of factors, ranging from environmental conditions to operational challenges on the runway.

Reasons for a Go-Around

  • Unsafe Conditions on the Runway: Obstacles, debris, other aircraft, or wildlife on the runway can make landing unsafe, necessitating a go-around.
  • Poor Weather: Visibility issues, strong crosswinds, or sudden changes in weather conditions can make the initial landing attempt unsafe.
  • Traffic Conflicts: Aircraft might be instructed to go around if the runway is not cleared in time or if there's a risk of collision with another aircraft.
  • Unstable Approach: If the aircraft is not properly aligned with the runway or if it is at an incorrect speed or altitude, a go-around might be necessary to ensure safety.
  • Technical Issues: Problems with the aircraft's landing gear, flaps, or other critical systems may require a go-around to address or evaluate the issue.


The go-around procedure involves several key steps:

  1. Power Application: The pilot increases engine power to initiate a climb.
  2. Aircraft Configuration: The pilot adjusts the aircraft's flaps and landing gear as necessary for the climb.
  3. Climb: The aircraft ascends along a predetermined path, often under the direction of ATC, to gain altitude and distance from the ground.
  4. Communication: The pilot communicates with ATC, informing them of the go-around and coordinating for another landing attempt.
  5. Re-approach: Once the situation that prompted the go-around is resolved, the aircraft is vectored back for another approach to land.

Training and Preparedness

Pilots are extensively trained to perform go-arounds, ensuring they can execute this manoeuvre safely under various conditions. Simulators and flight training exercises include go-around scenarios, preparing pilots to react promptly and correctly. Being prepared for a go-around is part of every landing approach plan, emphasizing safety and adaptability in flight operations.

Safety Implications

The go-around is fundamentally a safety manoeuvre designed to prevent accidents and incidents during the critical phase of flight associated with landing. It demonstrates the aviation industry's commitment to safety, allowing for the avoidance of potential hazards by prioritizing the well-being of passengers, crew, and aircraft. While a go-around can sometimes lead to delays, the procedure is a testament to the cautious and risk-averse nature of air travel.

The go-around procedure is an integral part of aviation safety protocols, enabling pilots and air traffic controllers to manage unforeseen circumstances during landing. By allowing for a second attempt at landing under more favourable conditions, the go-around manoeuvre significantly contributes to maintaining the high safety standards characteristic of modern aviation. It exemplifies the industry's proactive approach to safety, ensuring that flights can adapt to challenges and maintain safety as the paramount concern.


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