Double Round Trip

Double Round Trip

What is a Double Round Trip?

Maximizing Efficiency with Double Round Trip Scheduling

The Double round-trip strategy in aviation scheduling involves pilots operating two round-trip flights within a single duty period instead of remaining at the arrival airport to return back to the original airport.

In private jet charter operations, a Double Round Trip refers to the practice where, for cost reasons, a charter aircraft returns to its home base empty after dropping off passengers and then flies back empty to pick them up again, instead of staying at the destination.

  • Cost Efficiency: This approach is often more economical than incurring costs related to crew accommodation and aircraft parking at the destination.
  • Resulting Flights: The scenario leads to two empty-leg flights – one after dropping off passengers and another before picking them up.
  • Planning Implications: While not a standard term in general aviation, it describes a specific operational decision in charter flight planning, highlighting the cost-management strategies involved.

Double Round Trip is a term used in private jet chartering to describe a cost-efficient operational strategy involving two empty-leg flights for aircraft repositioning


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