

What is a Beacon in aviation?

The Importance of Beacon Lights in Aviation

Beacons are high-intensity lights used on aircraft and airports to enhance visibility and safety.

A beacon in aviation is a light or radio transmitter used as a navigational aid. There are different types of beacons, including visual beacons like rotating or flashing lights and non-visual radio beacons (NDB, VOR).

  • Guidance and Navigation: Beacons guide aircraft, helping pilots navigate, especially during night or in poor visibility conditions.
  • Location and Use: They are often located at airports, along airways, or significant navigational points.
  • Technology and Evolution: With advancements in navigation technology, such as GPS, the reliance on traditional beacons has decreased, but they still play a role in aviation.

Beacons serve as important navigational aids in aviation, guiding aircraft and enhancing safety, particularly in areas where advanced navigation systems are not available.


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